Quality Child Care

 Choosing Child Care  Informal Child Care  Family Child Care Center-based Care Self-Care
 Preparing Your Child News Releases Research Related SitesSpanish Resources

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Choosing Child Care

Be Choosy About Child Care Sally Kees-Martin

Child Care Aware Series: Selecting Quality Child Care Elaine Wilson & Patricia S. Tweedie

Child Care Checklist for Parents Lesia Oesterreich

Choosing Child Care Karen DeBord

Developmentally Appropriate Care: What Does It Mean? Joan Sprain & Diane Corrin

Early Childhood Research and Policy Brief: Quality in Child Care Centers
Summer 1997, Vol.1 No.1, p. 8-11 (PDF file – 238K)Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

Employed Parenthood: Do I Have a Choice? Joan Sprain

Family Involvement in Early Childhood Programs: How to Choose the Right Program for Your Child Nat'l Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education

Finding Child Care: Questions to Ask Joan Sprain

A Guide to Transitional Child Care State Universtiy of New York

Ingredients for Quality Child Care Marlys Ann Boschee & Geralyn M. Jacobs

Is My Child's Care Okay Sharon E. Hirschy

Is My Child's Care Okay – PDF

Locating and Selecting Child Care Karen DeBord, Rebekah F. Canu, Robin Baker Howse

Locating and Selecting Child Care – PDF 192K

Meeting Children's Needs: Day care vs. preschool programs Jan Dickson

A Parent's Guide to Child Care State Universtiy of New York

A Parent's Guide to Child Care Funding State University of New York

A Parent's Guide to Child Care for School-Age Children Cornell Cooperative Extension

Quality Child Care: What Does It Really Mean? Karen DeBord

Quality Child Care: What Does It Really Mean? – PDF

Quality in Child Care Settings Power Point Slide Show Karen DeBord

Selecting Child Care… a checklist Karen DeBord

Selecting Child Care: The Quality Question Karen DeBord

What Are My Parental Rights and Responsibilities When My Child Is in Child Care
Sharon E. Hirschy

What Are My Parental Rights and Responsibilities When My Child Is in Child Care – PDF

What Do I Expect From My Child Care Provider? Joan Sprain

When There are Problems with Your Child's Care Sharon E. Hirschy

When There are Problems with Your Child's Care – PDF

 Informal Child Care

Babysitter's Program 4-H University of Massachusetts Extension

First Aid
Child Care and Development
Concerns of the Babysitter

Child Care by Kith and Kin: Supporting Family, Friends and Neighbors Caring for Children Ann Collins & Barbara Carlson, National Center for Children in Poverty

Child Care Cooperatives Lesia Oesterreich

Child Care in Your Home Lesia Oesterreich

Choosing Someone to Care for Your Child at Home Pat Tweedie

Setting Up Play Groups Lesia Oesterreich

When Friends or Relatives Care for Your Child Pat Tweedie

When Relatives Provide Your Child Care Sharon E. Hirschy

When Relatives Provide Your Child Care – PDF

Related Websites:

The National Child Care Kith and Kin Intitiative – Bank Street College

State organizations and agencies involved in supporting and improving “kith and kin” caregiving – prepared by Bank Street College

 Family Child Care

Caring for Multi-age Groups Lesia Oesterreich

Checklist for Family Day Care Homes Sally Kees-Martin

Child Care Aware Series: Selecting Quality Family Child Care Elaine Wilson & Patricia S. Tweedie

 Center-based Child Care

Checklist for Child Care Centers Sally Kees-Martin

Child Care Aware Series: Selecting Quality Child Care Centers Elaine Wilson & Patricia S. Tweedie

 Preparing Your Child

Before Your Child's First Day (also in PDF) Pat Tweedie

First Day Tips (also in PDF) Pat Tweedie

Helping Your Child Adjust to Child Care (also in PDF) Pat Tweedie

Introducing Your Child to the Child Care Provider (also in PDF) Pat Tweedie

News Releases

Look for Quality Care for Infants Lesia Oesterreich

Plan for Emergency Child Care Lesia Oesterreich

Research and Reference Material

A Survey: Quality Practices (PDF) Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

Are They in Any Real Danger? What Research Does – and Doesn't -Tell Us About Child Care Quality and Children's Well-Being (PDF) John Love, Peter Schochet, Alicia Meckstroth

Assessing Program Quality (PDF) Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

Child Care by Kith and Kin: Supporting Family, Friends, and Neighbors Caring for Children National Center for Children and Poverty

Childcare in the United States: Yesterday and Today Marlys Ann Boschee & Geralyn M. Jacobs

Child Care Quality: Does It Matter and Does It Need to be Improved? Deborah Lowe Vandell and Barbara Wolfe

A Comparison of the Development of Infants as a Function of Hours Spent in Day Care Serena Weinberg, Raun Lazier, Amy Shivery, Catherine Chambliss

The “Cost, Quality & Outcomes Study” Executive Summary Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

Early Head Start Research – Building Their Futures: How Early Head Start Programs are Enhancing the Lives of Infants and Toddlers in Low-Income Families, Summary Report The Commissioner's Office of Research and Evaluation and the Head Start Bureau, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Early Learning, Later Success: The Abecedarian Study Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

Extension-Supported School-Age Care Programs Benefit Youth Eddie L. Locklear & R. David Mustian

Family, School, and Community Involvement in School-age Child Care Programs: Best Practices Karen DeBord, Marilyn Martin, Tony Mallilo

Head Start and the Cooperative Extension System Charles A. Smith

Impacts of School-Age Child Care Programs Dave Riley, Jill Steinberg, Chris Todd, Sharon Junge, Ina McClain

Lasting Benefits of Preschool Programs Lawrence J. Schweinhart

Long-Term Outcomes of Early Childhood Programs The Future of Children

Longer Term Effects of Head Start (PDF) RAND

Making Investments in Young Children: What the Research on Early Care and Education Tells Us (PDF) National Association of Child Advocates

Multi-Age Grouping in Child Care – a bibliography of research and other published articles Ryerson Polytechnic University School of Early Childhood Education

National Studies of School-Age Child Care Programs, Part 1 Polly Spedding

National Studies of School-age Child Care Programs, Part 2 Polly Spedding

Quality Care Does Mean Better Child Outcomes Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center

What Do We Really Know about Child Care and Aggression? Diane Bales

What Leads to Satisfaction for Child Care Providers and Parents? Preston A. Britner

Other resources of research on early care and education:

ECRP: Early Childhood Research & Practice – an Internet journal on the development, care, and education of young children

National Child Care Information Center – Research page

Search Institute – Practical Research Benefiting Children & Youth


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